The publishing registry for the CDPP EPN-TAP server.
A list of all services published on the CDPP EPN-TAP server, with links to information pages about them
A table that contains the (slightly processed) metadata from published services. It is used by the shipped templates of the root pages.
Manipulate through gavo pub; to remove entries from this table, remove the publication element of the service or table in question and re-run gavo pub on the resource descriptor.
A table that has "interfaces", i.e., actual URLs under which services are accessible. This is in a separate table, as services can have multiple interfaces (e.g., SCS and form).
Manipulate through gavo pub; to remove entries from this table, remove the publication element of the service or table in question and re-run gavo pub on the resource descriptor.
An RD-level map of dependencies, meaning that before generating resource records from rd, prereq should be imported (think: TAP needs the metadata of all dependent tables).
This is managed by gavo pub and used in the OAI-PMH interface.
The table of published "resources" (i.e., services, tables, data collections) within this data center. There are separate tables of the interfaces these resources have, their authors, subjects, and the sets they belong to.
Manipulate through gavo pub; to remove entries from this table, remove the publication element of the service or table in question and re-run gavo pub on the resource descriptor.
A join of resources, interfaces, and sets used internally.
A table that contains set membership of published resources. For DaCHS, the sets ivo_managed ("publish to the VO") and local ("show on a generated root page" if using one of the shipped root pages) have a special role.
Manipulate through gavo pub; to remove entries from this table, remove the publication element of the service or table in question and re-run gavo pub on the resource descriptor.
A table that contains the subject metadata for published services. It is used by the shipped templates of the root pages (" subject").
Manipulate through gavo pub; to remove entries from this table, remove the publication element of the service or table in question and re-run gavo pub on the resource descriptor.
A join of resources, subjects, and sets used internally.
Created in 1998 jointly by CNES and INSU, the CDPP assures the long term preservation of data obtained primarily from instruments built using French resources, and renders them readily accessible and exploitable by the international community. The CDPP also provides services to enable on-line data analysis (AMDA), 3D data visualization in context (3DView), propagation tool and space weather tool which bridges solar perturbations to in-situ measurements. The CDPP is involved in the development of interoperability, participates in several Virtual Observatory projects, and supports data distribution for scientific missions (Solar Orbiter, JUICE).
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