Table information for 'illu67p.epn_core'


Table Description: Thanks to the Rosetta mission, we probed the shape of comet 67P / Churyumov-Gerasimenko. During the cruise, observations revealed strong correlations with the illumination conditions of 67P (diurnal and seasonal variations). Thus, it has been necessary to calculate these conditions from the shape model of comet 67P.

This table is available for ADQL queries and through the TAP endpoint.

Resource Description: This service provides illumination maps for comet 67P. The information is given as the cosinus of the angle between the normal to each facet of the comet shape model and the Sun direction. The comet shape model has 100k facets and corresponds to CSHP_DV_130_01_______00200. Maps are obtained for all solar latitudes / longitudes with one-degree step for both, in the comet reference frame (C-G_CK as provided by ESA/PSA and obtained through AMDA The code is developed by A. Beth, Imperial College. User can access both numerical values and images of the illumination maps, projected in latitude and longitude.

For a list of all services and tables belonging to this table's resource, see Information on resource 'Illumination map of 67P'

Citing this table

To cite the table as such, we suggest the following BibTeX entry:

  title={Illumination map of 67P},
  author={Beth Arnaud},
  howpublished={{VO} resource provided by the {CDPP} {EPN}-{TAP} server}


Sorted by DB column index. [Sort alphabetically]

NameTable Head DescriptionUnitUCD
granule_uid Granule_uid Internal table row index, which must be unique within the table. Can be alphanumeric. N/A
granule_gid Granule_gid Common to granules of same type (e.g. same map projection, or geometry data products). Can be alphanumeric. N/A
obs_id Obs_id Associates granules derived from the same data (e.g. various representations/processing levels). Can be alphanumeric, may be the ID of original observation. N/A;obs
dataproduct_type Dataproduct_type The high-level organization of the data product, from a controlled vocabulary (e.g., 'im' for image, sp for spectrum). Multiple terms may be used, separated by # characters. [Note et_prod] N/A meta.code.class
target_name Target_name Standard IAU name of target (from a list related to target class), case sensitive N/A;src
target_class Target_class Type of target, from a controlled vocabulary. N/A src.class
time_min Time_min Acquisition start time (in JD), as UTC at time_refposition d time.start;obs
time_max Time_max Acquisition stop time (in JD), as UTC at time_refposition d time.end;obs
time_sampling_step_min Time_sampling_step_min Sampling time for measurements of dynamical phenomena, lower limit. s time.resolution;stat.min
time_sampling_step_max Time_sampling_step_max Sampling time for measurements of dynamical phenomena, upper limit s time.resolution;stat.max
time_exp_min Time_exp_min Integration time of the measurement, lower limit. s time.duration;obs.exposure;stat.min
time_exp_max Time_exp_max Integration time of the measurement, upper limit s time.duration;obs.exposure;stat.max
spectral_range_min Spectral_range_min Spectral range (frequency), lower limit. Hz em.freq;stat.min
spectral_range_max Spectral_range_max Spectral range (frequency), upper limit Hz em.freq;stat.max
spectral_sampling_step_min Spectral_sampling_step_min Spectral sampling step, lower limit. Hz em.freq;spect.binSize;stat.min
spectral_sampling_step_max Spectral_sampling_step_max Spectral sampling step, upper limit Hz em.freq;spect.binSize;stat.max
spectral_resolution_min Spectral_resolution_min Spectral resolution, lower limit. N/A spect.resolution;stat.min
spectral_resolution_max Spectral_resolution_max Spectral resolution, upper limit N/A spect.resolution;stat.max
c1min C1min Longitude on body, lower limit. deg pos.bodyrc.lon;stat.min
c1max C1max Longitude on body, upper limit deg pos.bodyrc.lon;stat.max
c2min C2min Latitude on body, lower limit. deg;stat.min
c2max C2max Latitude on body, upper limit deg;stat.max
c3min C3min Altitude from reference surface, lower limit. km pos.bodyrc.alt;stat.min
c3max C3max Altitude from reference surface, upper limit km pos.bodyrc.alt;stat.max
s_region S_region ObsCore-like footprint, valid for celestial, spherical, or body-fixed frames N/A pos.outline;obs.field
c1_resol_min C1_resol_min Resolution in the first coordinate, lower limit. deg pos.angResolution;stat.min
c1_resol_max C1_resol_max Resolution in the first coordinate, upper limit deg pos.angResolution;stat.max
c2_resol_min C2_resol_min Resolution in the second coordinate, lower limit. deg pos.angResolution;stat.min
c2_resol_max C2_resol_max Resolution in the second coordinate, upper limit deg pos.angResolution;stat.max
c3_resol_min C3_resol_min Resolution in the third coordinate, lower limit. km pos.resolution;stat.min
c3_resol_max C3_resol_max Resolution in the third coordinate, upper limit km pos.resolution;stat.max
spatial_frame_type Spatial_frame_type Flavor of coordinate system, defines the nature of coordinates. From a controlled vocabulary, where 'none' means undefined. N/A meta.code.class;pos.frame
incidence_min Incidence_min Incidence angle (solar zenithal angle) during data acquisition, lower limit. deg pos.incidenceAng;stat.min
incidence_max Incidence_max Incidence angle (solar zenithal angle) during data acquisition, upper limit deg pos.incidenceAng;stat.max
emergence_min Emergence_min Emergence angle during data acquisition, lower limit. deg pos.emergenceAng;stat.min
emergence_max Emergence_max Emergence angle during data acquisition, upper limit deg pos.emergenceAng;stat.max
phase_min Phase_min Phase angle during data acquisition, lower limit. deg pos.phaseAng;stat.min
phase_max Phase_max Phase angle during data acquisition, upper limit deg pos.phaseAng;stat.max
instrument_host_name Instrument_host_name Standard name of the observatory or spacecraft N/A;instr.obsty
instrument_name Instrument_name Standard name of instrument N/A;instr
measurement_type Measurement_type UCD(s) defining the data, with multiple entries separated by hash (#) characters. N/A meta.ucd
processing_level Processing_level Dataset-related encoding, or simplified CODMAC calibration level [Note et_cal] N/A meta.calibLevel
creation_date Creation_date Date of first entry of this granule N/A time.creation
modification_date Modification_date Date of last modification (used to handle mirroring) N/A time.processing
release_date Release_date Start of public access period N/A time.release
service_title Service_title Title of resource (an acronym really, will be used to handle multiservice results) N/A meta.title
access_estsize Access_estsize Estimated file size in kbyte. kbyte phys.size;meta.file
file_name File_name Name of the data file only, case sensitive N/A;meta.file
publisher Publisher A short string identifying the entity running the data service used N/A meta.curation
thumbnail_url Thumbnail_url URL of a thumbnail image with predefined size (png ~200 pix, for use in a client only) N/A meta.ref.url;meta.preview
access_url Access_url URL of the data file, case sensitive. If present, then access_format and access_estsize are mandatory. N/A meta.ref.url;meta.file
subsolar_longitude Subsolar_longitude Latitude of the sun according to 67P N/A pos.bodyrc.lon
subsolar_latitude Subsolar_latitude Longitude of the sun according to 67P N/A
shape_model Shape_model The name of the 3D model from which the illumination maps has been generated. N/A meta.ref
shape_model_url Shape_model_url The access URL of the 3D model from which the illumination maps has been generated. N/A meta.ref.url
spatial_coordinate_description Spatial_coordinate_description The coordinate system used for the simulation. N/A meta.code.class;pos.frame

Columns that are parts of indices are marked like this.


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