Table information for 'transplanet.epn_core'


Table Description: Transplanet runs

This table is available for ADQL queries and through the TAP endpoint.

Resource Description: Transplanet run-on-request

For a list of all services and tables belonging to this table's resource, see Information on resource 'A Transplanet model of magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling at Earth, Mars and Jupiter'

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Citing this table

To cite the table as such, we suggest the following BibTeX entry:

  title={A Transplanet model of magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling at Earth,
Mars and Jupiter},
  author={Indurain Mikel},
  howpublished={{VO} resource provided by the {CDPP} {EPN}-{TAP} server}


Sorted by DB column index. [Sort alphabetically]

NameTable Head DescriptionUnitUCD
granule_uid Granule_uid Internal table row index, which must be unique within the table. Can be alphanumeric. N/A
granule_gid Granule_gid Common to granules of same type (e.g. same map projection, or geometry data products). Can be alphanumeric. N/A
obs_id Obs_id Associates granules derived from the same data (e.g. various representations/processing levels). Can be alphanumeric, may be the ID of original observation. N/A;obs
dataproduct_type Dataproduct_type The high-level organization of the data product, from a controlled vocabulary (e.g., 'im' for image, sp for spectrum). Multiple terms may be used, separated by # characters. [Note et_prod] N/A meta.code.class
target_name Target_name Standard IAU name of target (from a list related to target class), case sensitive N/A;src
target_class Target_class Type of target, from a controlled vocabulary. N/A src.class
time_min Time_min Acquisition start time (in JD), as UTC at time_refposition d time.start;obs
time_max Time_max Acquisition stop time (in JD), as UTC at time_refposition d time.end;obs
time_sampling_step_min Time_sampling_step_min Sampling time for measurements of dynamical phenomena, lower limit. s time.resolution;stat.min
time_sampling_step_max Time_sampling_step_max Sampling time for measurements of dynamical phenomena, upper limit s time.resolution;stat.max
time_exp_min Time_exp_min Integration time of the measurement, lower limit. s time.duration;obs.exposure;stat.min
time_exp_max Time_exp_max Integration time of the measurement, upper limit s time.duration;obs.exposure;stat.max
spectral_range_min Spectral_range_min Spectral range (frequency), lower limit. Hz em.freq;stat.min
spectral_range_max Spectral_range_max Spectral range (frequency), upper limit Hz em.freq;stat.max
spectral_sampling_step_min Spectral_sampling_step_min Spectral sampling step, lower limit. Hz em.freq;spect.binSize;stat.min
spectral_sampling_step_max Spectral_sampling_step_max Spectral sampling step, upper limit Hz em.freq;spect.binSize;stat.max
spectral_resolution_min Spectral_resolution_min Spectral resolution, lower limit. N/A spect.resolution;stat.min
spectral_resolution_max Spectral_resolution_max Spectral resolution, upper limit N/A spect.resolution;stat.max
c1min C1min Radial distance in spherical coordinates, lower limit. m pos.distance;stat.min
c1max C1max Radial distance in spherical coordinates, upper limit m pos.distance;stat.max
c2min C2min Polar angle or colatitude in spherical coordinates, lower limit. deg;stat.min
c2max C2max Polar angle or colatitude in spherical coordinates, upper limit deg;stat.max
c3min C3min Azimuth in spherical coordinates, lower limit. deg;stat.min
c3max C3max Azimuth in spherical coordinates, upper limit deg;stat.max
s_region S_region ObsCore-like footprint, valid for celestial, spherical, or body-fixed frames N/A pos.outline;obs.field
c1_resol_min C1_resol_min Resolution in the first coordinate, lower limit. m pos.resolution;stat.min
c1_resol_max C1_resol_max Resolution in the first coordinate, upper limit m pos.resolution;stat.max
c2_resol_min C2_resol_min Resolution in the second coordinate, lower limit. deg pos.angResolution;stat.min
c2_resol_max C2_resol_max Resolution in the second coordinate, upper limit deg pos.angResolution;stat.max
c3_resol_min C3_resol_min Resolution in the third coordinate, lower limit. deg pos.angResolution;stat.min
c3_resol_max C3_resol_max Resolution in the third coordinate, upper limit deg pos.angResolution;stat.max
spatial_frame_type Spatial_frame_type Flavor of coordinate system, defines the nature of coordinates. From a controlled vocabulary, where 'none' means undefined. N/A meta.code.class;pos.frame
incidence_min Incidence_min Incidence angle (solar zenithal angle) during data acquisition, lower limit. deg pos.incidenceAng;stat.min
incidence_max Incidence_max Incidence angle (solar zenithal angle) during data acquisition, upper limit deg pos.incidenceAng;stat.max
emergence_min Emergence_min Emergence angle during data acquisition, lower limit. deg pos.emergenceAng;stat.min
emergence_max Emergence_max Emergence angle during data acquisition, upper limit deg pos.emergenceAng;stat.max
phase_min Phase_min Phase angle during data acquisition, lower limit. deg pos.phaseAng;stat.min
phase_max Phase_max Phase angle during data acquisition, upper limit deg pos.phaseAng;stat.max
instrument_host_name Instrument_host_name Standard name of the observatory or spacecraft N/A;instr.obsty
instrument_name Instrument_name Standard name of instrument N/A;instr
measurement_type Measurement_type UCD(s) defining the data, with multiple entries separated by hash (#) characters. N/A meta.ucd
processing_level Processing_level Dataset-related encoding, or simplified CODMAC calibration level [Note et_cal] N/A meta.calibLevel
creation_date Creation_date Date of first entry of this granule N/A time.creation
modification_date Modification_date Date of last modification (used to handle mirroring) N/A time.processing
release_date Release_date Start of public access period N/A time.release
service_title Service_title Title of resource (an acronym really, will be used to handle multiservice results) N/A meta.title
access_url Access_url URL of the data file, case sensitive. If present, then access_format and access_estsize are mandatory. N/A meta.ref.url;meta.file
access_format Access_format File format type (RFC 6838 Media Type a.k.a. MIME type) N/A meta.code.mime
access_estsize Access_estsize Estimated file size in kbyte. kbyte phys.size;meta.file
target_region Target_region Type of region or feature of interest N/A;src;obs.field
publisher Publisher A short string identifying the entity running the data service used N/A meta.curation
time_scale Time_scale Defaults to UTC in data services; takes values from otherwise N/A time.scale
species Species Identifies a chemical species, case sensitive N/A;phys.atmol
spase_region Spase_region Identifiers for areas of the physical world which may be occupied or observed. N/A phys.angArea;obs
spase_measurement_type Spase_measurement_type Identifiers for the method of making an estimated value of a quantity that forms the basis of an observation. N/A meta.ucd
model_name Model_name Attributes of a resource which pertain to the provider of the resource and descriptive information about the resource. N/A N/A
magnetic_field_model Magnetic_field_model Parameters associated to a field imposed in the simulation. N/A N/A

Columns that are parts of indices are marked like this.


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